Nearing half a century makes you look back and wonder "will I still carry all those things I thought would happen but never did into the next fifty years of my life?" The answer for me is a resounding "No!" I'm determined to let the past stay in the past and move forward to a future filled with Love, Peace and Prosperity. Even though I don't have everything I thought I wanted in life, I have the ability to still make my dreams come true. I haven't given up hope that all things are possible for me and with the coming year and a renewed purpose, I won't stop until I'm satisfied.
What does a future filled with Love look like for me? That ones easy to answer seeing as how I'm now in love with me. I can honestly say that I am a joy and delight to be around. If I met me on the street, I would definitely want to be my friend. I've learned that the things that make me happy and move me with compassion are the very qualities that a true friend would admire most about me. The call that's on my life mandates that I love others as I love myself and taking the time to get to know me has truly allowed me to fall in Love with Me.
What does a future filled with Peace look like for me? That ones simple too and made even more so due to time spent in counseling sessions. Plus the awesome sermons I receive every week from my Pastor. Peace in the middle of -whatever is happening at the time, means taking the time to stop and pray. Seeking God's guidance and wisdom on the situation, reacting in love and walking in forgiveness. If there is no peace, it's because you didn't choose it. When you choose to walk in the Peace of God, it will flow to you exactly when you need it to.
What does a future filled with Prosperity look like for me? Debt-free! To be able to give when and where I see a need, when and where God says to give and when and where I just want to. Not hindered by debt telling me that I can't afford to give because I already owe "them". Prosperity for me won't happen after all my debts are paid, prosperity is already mine by the fact that I'm able to give even though I still owe. That I'm willing to give, even when I don't see what I can give. And that I can take God at His word that He will supply seed to me - a sower.
So as the new year approaches, or if you're like me, another birthday is coming, don't look back with regrets. Look back and find the solutions you need to go forward in life. The reason I'm confident that I will walk in Love, Peace and Prosperity is because I had to dig through the compartments of the pain from my past in order to better define the future I desire. Now I'm armed and ready to take back and receive all that God has promised me.
Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and don't forget to Enjoy the Journey!
Saturday, December 23, 2017
Saturday, December 9, 2017
Losing Yourself/Making room for God
Life is full of various types of didactic relationships. I am referring to all types of relationships whether it’s significant others, family, friends and associates. We never forget the good relationships and the bad ones tend to teach lifelong lessons. The lessons of life help us to become closer to God.
Life is full of various types of didactic relationships. I am referring to all types of relationships whether it’s significant others, family, friends and associates. We never forget the good relationships and the bad ones tend to teach lifelong lessons. The lessons of life help us to become closer to God.
I realize that in life you can lose yourself by seeking assurance and love from others. When people feel they have power over you they tend to use it to their advantage to distract your purpose in life. Relationships can either increase or decrease your self-esteem. When your self-esteem has been decreased you lose the confidence you once had in yourself. I am not saying you shouldn’t help others but, sometimes people can require so much of you to fulfill their insecurities that you lose yourself in the process. By focusing more on them and less on God.
I have lost myself in many relationships in life. You can find yourself wondering who am I and how did I get to this point in life. When a relationship doesn’t turn out the way you portray it to be you can lose yourself. Giving too much power to the wrong focus in life can bring you to a place of uncertainty and acceptance to someone else’s purpose in life. When I started to pray and ask God “What is my problem?” He replied “Because you are not putting me FIRST”. Prioritizing different relationships in your life by putting God before anyone and everything makes a BIG difference in who we are and seeking to become. Once you put God first and believe in yourself you can make a difference in the relationships that you decide to be in. Make room for God no matter the circumstances relationships and life brings. God will help you find yourself and your purpose in life!
Guest Writer- PT
Saturday, November 25, 2017
Encouragement for Singles (continued)
Remember these words from my last blog post "Being around other people does not cure what singles call loneliness. What was needed was an adjustment in my thinking, my vision and my heart"? Wel, I thought I'd take the time to explain what each adjustment looked like in my life.
Adjustment in my thinking began with the renewal of my mind with God's word about being created in His image. Being bold enough to walk in my authority as a believer in Christ. To take the principles that I was learning and apply them to my everyday life. Don't get me wrong, this is not an overnight process. This will take time and as much energy as you allow yourself to put into it. Over the years, I've put more time into renewing my mind when I was trying to get something from God. However, at a particular point in my life, the reason for mind renewal was far more personal. I was plain tired of doing the same bare minimum expecting plentiful results. When I got real with Me about how some of my thinking processes were limiting God's movement in my life, I buckled down and got into the Word believing for radical change.
Adjustment in my vision began when I focused on what God had called me to do back in 1996. My focus on my vision developed because I took one step at a time over the years and at other times, I was pushed into action. Regardless of why I started, I kept moving. But ultimately I asked God to show me His purpose for my life so that I could align my plan with His and do what I felt He had called me to do. As my thinking lined up with His Word, the vision He had given me for my life and ministry started to become clearer.
Adjustment in my heart began when I was REAL with God about how I felt about people -His people. My Pastor has a sermon title that totally summed up how I felt and I told it to God everyday- "I love you God, it's people I can't stand!" I asked God to love me and show me how to love others. As I started to see people the way God saw them, the true test of my new found love came when a series of events took place in my life that totally had me disgusted with people. To the point where I had to seek counseling because I knew if I didn't get help right away, I would loose my mind and possibly cause harm to others - and maybe even myself.
Everyone's Journey may not look the same but the one factor that should be the same for everyone is a relationship You have built with the one who created you. He knows each journey, path and direction of our lives and it only makes sense to follow His leadership while navigating through this life.
Enjoy the Journey!
Adjustment in my thinking began with the renewal of my mind with God's word about being created in His image. Being bold enough to walk in my authority as a believer in Christ. To take the principles that I was learning and apply them to my everyday life. Don't get me wrong, this is not an overnight process. This will take time and as much energy as you allow yourself to put into it. Over the years, I've put more time into renewing my mind when I was trying to get something from God. However, at a particular point in my life, the reason for mind renewal was far more personal. I was plain tired of doing the same bare minimum expecting plentiful results. When I got real with Me about how some of my thinking processes were limiting God's movement in my life, I buckled down and got into the Word believing for radical change.
Adjustment in my vision began when I focused on what God had called me to do back in 1996. My focus on my vision developed because I took one step at a time over the years and at other times, I was pushed into action. Regardless of why I started, I kept moving. But ultimately I asked God to show me His purpose for my life so that I could align my plan with His and do what I felt He had called me to do. As my thinking lined up with His Word, the vision He had given me for my life and ministry started to become clearer.
Adjustment in my heart began when I was REAL with God about how I felt about people -His people. My Pastor has a sermon title that totally summed up how I felt and I told it to God everyday- "I love you God, it's people I can't stand!" I asked God to love me and show me how to love others. As I started to see people the way God saw them, the true test of my new found love came when a series of events took place in my life that totally had me disgusted with people. To the point where I had to seek counseling because I knew if I didn't get help right away, I would loose my mind and possibly cause harm to others - and maybe even myself.
Everyone's Journey may not look the same but the one factor that should be the same for everyone is a relationship You have built with the one who created you. He knows each journey, path and direction of our lives and it only makes sense to follow His leadership while navigating through this life.
Enjoy the Journey!
Wednesday, November 8, 2017
Paths of Encouragement (POE)
Hi, it's me Tracy. Today I want to talk about "Paths of Encouragement" a new segment of my blog designed especially for you, the reader. Some of the posts that you will read will be submitted by Guest Writers who want to Encourage you on your Journey in life.
Whether the Writer is family, friend or coworker, my desire is that you will be so Encouraged that you will one day submit your own Path of Encouragement post designed to Encourage someone else. When you're ready and have a submission you want posted, please DM me on Twitter @M924LIFE for further instructions. Update: You can now send submissions to
Paths of Encouragement formed when my coworker asked me what was my plan to increase awareness of my blog. It just so happened that my Pastor was teaching on Leadership and he stated that great leaders empowered others to reach their full potential and also asked for help because "your vision should be so big that you would need the help of others". So I immediately sent out an all-call to my contacts and "Paths of Encouragement" was born. I am so excited about the lives that will be touched, changed and challenged as a result of you having received from someone that's been where you've been; that's right where you are or just wants to Encourage you before you even get to where you're going.
So, let me start by Encouraging you in an area that is near and dear to my heart and part of the reason this blog exists: failed relationships. This letter is a closure letter that I never gave to the last man that ended a relationship with me but I needed to express my feelings whether he would listen or not.
_______________, I truly get it. You don't want me to be a part of your life in any way, shape or form. You told me yourself that you didn't want more than a friendship with me. I learned to be ok with that. I started contacting you again after our argument because I still wanted to be your friend. However, your actions are saying loud and clear that that's not an option either. I don't fully understand why you asked to "talk" to me and you would never contact me. I am writing so that I can release myself from this __________(you fill in the blank, I know what I wanted it to be) and be able to go forward with my life without you being a part of it. I wish you much success in life. And I truly pray that you find the happiness you so desperately want. Try looking on the inside and you just may be surprised by what you see. I can no longer give all of me while getting nothing in return from you. The longer I do that, the more I push away the man that truly wants in my life. Just know this decision wasn't easy for me to make. I had to pray and ask God for His help. I pray you ask Him to help you too. Enjoy the Journey _____________: I'm glad we had the chance to cross paths.
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#PathsofEncouragement #POE |
Paths of Encouragement formed when my coworker asked me what was my plan to increase awareness of my blog. It just so happened that my Pastor was teaching on Leadership and he stated that great leaders empowered others to reach their full potential and also asked for help because "your vision should be so big that you would need the help of others". So I immediately sent out an all-call to my contacts and "Paths of Encouragement" was born. I am so excited about the lives that will be touched, changed and challenged as a result of you having received from someone that's been where you've been; that's right where you are or just wants to Encourage you before you even get to where you're going.
So, let me start by Encouraging you in an area that is near and dear to my heart and part of the reason this blog exists: failed relationships. This letter is a closure letter that I never gave to the last man that ended a relationship with me but I needed to express my feelings whether he would listen or not.
_______________, I truly get it. You don't want me to be a part of your life in any way, shape or form. You told me yourself that you didn't want more than a friendship with me. I learned to be ok with that. I started contacting you again after our argument because I still wanted to be your friend. However, your actions are saying loud and clear that that's not an option either. I don't fully understand why you asked to "talk" to me and you would never contact me. I am writing so that I can release myself from this __________(you fill in the blank, I know what I wanted it to be) and be able to go forward with my life without you being a part of it. I wish you much success in life. And I truly pray that you find the happiness you so desperately want. Try looking on the inside and you just may be surprised by what you see. I can no longer give all of me while getting nothing in return from you. The longer I do that, the more I push away the man that truly wants in my life. Just know this decision wasn't easy for me to make. I had to pray and ask God for His help. I pray you ask Him to help you too. Enjoy the Journey _____________: I'm glad we had the chance to cross paths.
Saturday, October 28, 2017
Encouragement for Singles
When asked to describe my single life in one word, the word I used was Prepared. Prepared for what, I hear you asking. Really and truly being Prepared for Life. Being single is just one part of my life - not the death sentence some singles may think it is. It's an interesting part nonetheless, and I've come to the place where I can embrace all that it has to offer me. I'll talk more about that later. But right now, I want to talk to all the singles who would define their single life as Lonely.
I can tell you that loneliness is a spiritual matter that can only be dealt with when you go to God and accept His wisdom and guidance in leading your life as a single person. But I won't...not any more than I've already said. I can tell you that loneliness is you trying to place the blame (because he/she has not come into your life yet so the "living" can begin) for your life not being what you want or how you thought it should be. But I won't...not any more than I've already said. I can tell you loneliness is a term used by singles to make married people empathize with us so that they would introduce us to someone wonderful who will transform us into the God-ordained sanctity of marriage. Ok, I think I got your attention now. Why? Because when many singles say they are lonely, what is truly being said is "I want to be married!" I'm here to tell you that it's ok to say "I want to be married" when asked about your single life. But that shouldn't be the ONLY thing people take away when asking you about your single life. This leads me to the part that I want to talk about more: being Prepared.
Being prepared as a single person to me means being Prepared for Life. I've "told God off" because He hadn't brought me a husband by the time I reached age 30 nor by the time I reached age 40. I've blamed others because if "he" had only given our relationship a real chance, we could be married by now. I've been angry with friends because it seems that they got the "last good man" when they married and there was no one left to introduce to me. Just because I didn't have a significant someone in my life didn't mean that I didn't have a life. I had a home to run, a job to work and a ministry laying by the wayside waiting on me to GROW UP! Notice I didn't say anything about family or friends: I had those. Being around other people does not cure what singles call loneliness. What was needed was an adjustment in my thinking, my vision and my heart.
Enjoy the Journey!
Saturday, October 14, 2017
POE -Shauntell (continued)
It all started the summer of 2002. I was getting ready to start the 10th grade so I got all my needed vaccine shots to start school. I also got the flu shot and that started all my problems in health. At this point I started school and was doing good until my right arm went completely numb. No feeling at all. I'm thinking what's wrong. I went to the doctor and was told to rub my arm multiple times during the day and it was from the flu shot. A couple of weeks later my arm still numb and my left arm become numb as well. A few weeks later I lost my eyesight at school in both eyes. My eyesight was blurred, but that was my first year wearing contacts so I didn't think to much of it. I went to the optometrist and she did an examine on my eyes. She said I believe you have Multiple Sclerosis and referred me to a doctor.
At this time it is now 2003 and my teachers noticed my grades slipping and me making simple mistakes. I go see the neurologist my optometrist refereed me to and she says she thinks I have Multiple Sclerosis and referred me to a neurologist that specialize in Multiple Sclerosis. I see the doctor and she ran a lot of test to see what was happening. Long story short in May of 2003 I was diagnosed with Remitting Relapse Multiple Sclerosis. Me being 15 years of age, I didn't know what it was. I really thought it was like the flu until it happened again. My doctor puts me on a medication which happens to be a shot I had to give myself everyday. I didn't take it like I was suppose to and the MS kept getting worse.
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I blamed God and was so angry that he put this on me. I tried to kill myself by walking in the middle of a busy street. One lady stopped her car and she asked me what was I doing. She told me that it's not my time to go. She also stated that I should take my problems to God and he's never to busy. I struggled for years with trying to get a relationship with God. One day in September 2014 another MS episode happens but this time the medicine or physical therapy didn't work. I went to God and prayed over and over again. Long story short I've ask God for forgiveness and I realized it wasn't him. It was me. Now my relationship with God is in a better place. He's my everything and best friend. I include him in my daily life. With all that being said God was there for me all along and he never left my side; although I did. All you have to do is receive him. John 6:35, “Jesus said to them, ‘I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst. Which simply means to receive him as what he is — not what you think he is or what somebody told you he is or what you would like him to be.
Contributing Guest Writer: Shauntell Walker
Saturday, September 23, 2017
Encouragement for Christians
Where do I even begin? I wrote that statement for "effect" because I know many of you are wondering "what can she say to me to encourage me for where I am in my life right now?" I know exactly where I want to begin and You are exactly who I want to talk to. I want to Encourage you in your Stewardship. That's right, that thing God has given you to help advance the kingdom and you're thinking that you own it and have to make it grow and become all that God wants it to be.
Don't laugh, deep down and on some level you feel (or have felt) that way too. I surely felt that way about this Blog. Until the day God reminded me that I'm just a steward of this Blog. The gift of writing God gave to me allows me to be able to post and hopefully minister to you, but He is the rightful owner. I was racking my brain wondering why no one was submitting their Guest Writer post to Encourage you even though they'd committed to do so. I even went so far as to "suggest" what they should write about when someone told me that they could not or would not do it. How bad had I gotten? I saw this segment changing lives, softening hearts and gaining ground for the kingdom and no one wanted to help me. But that was the problem and it wasn't mine to fix: they wouldn't only be helping me, they'd be helping God.
When God reminded me I was a steward and that the people who wrote a Guest post would be partnering with Him and thereby ultimately be agreeable to submitting a post, it changed my whole outlook. I made a conscious decision to stop badgering people and allow God to speak to them to partner with me on this Journey. The first person I asked after getting this revelation was so excited about being able to submit a post. My jaw just dropped at how awesome God really is and how faithful He is to His word. So you Christian, don't forget that you are a steward and God is the rightful owner of that gift, talent and ability He has given you. You do your part and know that God has done His part and it will all work out in the end for your good and His glory.
Saturday, September 9, 2017
POE - Shauntell
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I wrote my sperm donor (Dad) a letter giving him my address, telephone number, and a nice message that simply stated how I wanted to build a relationship that could possibly turn into a father daughter relationship. One year later and I haven't received a text, a call or a visit. I opened my heart to let my mother be there for my recent surgeries even though I didn't want to. She was not much of a help but I still appreciated the fact that she was there. One month later she sends me and my sister a text that reads: "You two enjoy your sisterhood. Don't talk about me nor to me. I'm too old and have responsibilities to play these messy games y'all playing. Have a nice life. Mine will be just fine without y'all".
Yes I got upset. I was more upset with myself for opening my heart to her. I'm used to her not being in my life, but why did it hurt so bad? I prayed and asked God to take the hurt she caused and the hatred out of my heart that was towards my father and mother. The moral of my story is people hurt you and yes it may hurt, but My Heavenly Father never hurt me or disappointed me. All he does is love me and I'm so grateful he accepted me, flaws and all, and came into my heart. I end with saying thank you Jesus for your unconditional love.
Contributing Guest Writer: Shauntell Walker
Saturday, August 26, 2017
No Truer Words
No truer words have been spoken than the words I've heard my Pastor say time and time again: "They weren't there when God gave you the vision". So why would I think that they would support me when the vision is coming to pass? Mostly I would think that because we are friends and I've earned the support. But recently I've learned that that is not the case. Why? Because they weren't there when God gave me the vision!
Sure, it's disappointing to not have the support I thought I should have gotten from the people who have told me over the years what I should do: Write a book! But I guess since this isn't a book, just a Blog, they don't see it as me doing what they thought I would do: Write a book! Better yet, I don't think they see God in what I do. That may be the real issue I'm writing about.
They see my Blog as me being me, which is a good thing because it fosters credibility and realness in my posts. But they weren't there when God spoke to me about this vision of teaching His children. I realize that people have different learning styles and I'm open to teach them in manners where they can learn. I will eventually get to write a book but where I am now is Blog posts.
I've come to terms with the fact that people don't owe me their support just because we're friends or just because they know me: But I cherish those who just give it to me naturally. Why? Because with all the things I'm up against just trying to carry out God's directive, I don't need to harbor any ill-will towards those who have Encouraged me long before I even considered God's purpose for my life. They Encouraged me for the time and season they were meant too: It's time now to navigate down my own Path of Encouragement.
Sure, it's disappointing to not have the support I thought I should have gotten from the people who have told me over the years what I should do: Write a book! But I guess since this isn't a book, just a Blog, they don't see it as me doing what they thought I would do: Write a book! Better yet, I don't think they see God in what I do. That may be the real issue I'm writing about.
They see my Blog as me being me, which is a good thing because it fosters credibility and realness in my posts. But they weren't there when God spoke to me about this vision of teaching His children. I realize that people have different learning styles and I'm open to teach them in manners where they can learn. I will eventually get to write a book but where I am now is Blog posts.
I've come to terms with the fact that people don't owe me their support just because we're friends or just because they know me: But I cherish those who just give it to me naturally. Why? Because with all the things I'm up against just trying to carry out God's directive, I don't need to harbor any ill-will towards those who have Encouraged me long before I even considered God's purpose for my life. They Encouraged me for the time and season they were meant too: It's time now to navigate down my own Path of Encouragement.
Saturday, August 12, 2017
POE - Lois
The Good Shepherd and His Sheep
John 10: 1-5 New Living Translation Bible tells us Jesus is the “Good Shepherd” and we are His sheep!
John 10: 1-5 New Living Translation Bible tells us Jesus is the “Good Shepherd” and we are His sheep!
“I tell you the truth, anyone who sneaks over the wall of a sheepfold, rather than going through the gate, must surely be a thief and a robber! But the one who enters through the gate is the shepherd of the sheep. The gatekeeper opens the gate for him, and the sheep recognize his voice and come to him. He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. After he has gathered his own flock, he walks ahead of them, and they follow him because they know his voice. They won’t follow a stranger; they will run from him because they don’t know his voice”.
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HE leads by HIS voice! We are HIS sheep; HIS sheep do not follow the voice of a stranger; they run from a strange voice because they do not know the voice of a stranger; only the voice of the Good Shepherd! And they follow HIS voice because they know the voice of the Good Shepherd and trust HIM to keep them safe from harm and danger; and to assist them to fulfill their purpose in life! HE is Not a Hireling! Who would abuse and abandon the sheep; He will protect and provide for the Sheep with his own life; He will get in harm’s way or contend with evil face to face for the sake of HIS sheep!
He will protect HIS sheep from wolves, thieves, devils or anything that comes to steal, kill or destroy the sheep! He will gather the sheep, and lead them in and out of the gate; He goes before them; not just “with” them, but “ahead” of them; and lead them to green pastures and fresh, living waters; and give them abundant life; and meet all their needs, because he loves and cares for HIS sheep deeply!
Praise God! I love you Jesus! And I am so glad you chose me to be one of your sheep! So glad I am YOURS and YOU’RE mine; that I am covered by your precious blood that you shed for me; and you’ve empowered me by your Holy Spirit, who raised you from the dead to eternal life to live forever more; and for the awesome love of God, our Heavenly Father! THANK YOU JESUS FOR THE VICTORY! AMEN!
Meditation by Guest Writer - Lois D. Reeves
Servant and Handmaiden of the Most High God!
Saturday, July 22, 2017
When the Flood Arose
I just have to write this... this morning my driveway actually flooded. I could not (and would not) try to get my car out of my yard due to all the water. I've been living in my house a long time and I've NEVER seen the water build up like it did today. Sure, we're under a flood advisory but it all happened so fast; I didn't have time to bring my car out of the garage. I kept thinking "when the rain lets up I can move my car so I can make it in to work". That never happened. When the rain slacked off some, the water didn't recede fast enough before the heavy rain started up again. So here I am telling you my story, my journey.
These past 6 years have been years of flooding in my life. Today was a literal interpretation of that fact and I DID NOT "go off the deep end". Yes!!! In fact, I took the time out to Enjoy myself. I had "Taco Tuesdays", watermelon and played my favorite game. All while thanking and praising God for being with me along this Journey. Aside from the fact that there was nothing I could do to change the situation, there was no part in me that feared, dreaded or doubted that all would be well in the end. Add to the fact that Luke 6:48 kept repeating through my head, I knew God was allowing me to know that my foundation was sure and true: deeply rooted in Him.
I don't know where you are right now in your life but I do know that when you purpose in your heart to get rooted in the Word of God, no Flood: downsize on your job, end of a relationship(s), financial troubles or health issues can stand against God's love, protection and provision in your life. No matter your outward situation, as long as you walk in the inward peace in your heart, your foundation cannot be shaken. Trust God today with every area of your life and see him do exceeding, abundantly and above all you can ask or think.
Scripture references: Luke 6:48 Ephesians 3:20
These past 6 years have been years of flooding in my life. Today was a literal interpretation of that fact and I DID NOT "go off the deep end". Yes!!! In fact, I took the time out to Enjoy myself. I had "Taco Tuesdays", watermelon and played my favorite game. All while thanking and praising God for being with me along this Journey. Aside from the fact that there was nothing I could do to change the situation, there was no part in me that feared, dreaded or doubted that all would be well in the end. Add to the fact that Luke 6:48 kept repeating through my head, I knew God was allowing me to know that my foundation was sure and true: deeply rooted in Him.
I don't know where you are right now in your life but I do know that when you purpose in your heart to get rooted in the Word of God, no Flood: downsize on your job, end of a relationship(s), financial troubles or health issues can stand against God's love, protection and provision in your life. No matter your outward situation, as long as you walk in the inward peace in your heart, your foundation cannot be shaken. Trust God today with every area of your life and see him do exceeding, abundantly and above all you can ask or think.
Scripture references: Luke 6:48 Ephesians 3:20
Saturday, July 8, 2017
Today's post is an interview I had with a coworker who suddenly found herself facing a health crisis. I was new on the job and she was in the process of training me when she had to leave work and focus solely on protecting her health. The longer she stayed off work, the more real the situation became to all of us to not take for granted the people who are in your life. Tell them you love them, Encourage them and most of all just be "present" when you are with them.
POE: Tell me a little about yourself?
KJ: My name is KJ and I was born in Birmingham, AL. I attended A.H. Parker High School and Jefferson State Community College. After college I worked various jobs until I finally settled in with the County. I have two children and one grandchild. My hobbies include crocheting, crossword puzzles and helping others. I like movies and going out to eat. I attend a local Baptist church.
POE: We only worked together for about a month before you left on medical leave which means I didn't know you well enough to know how this affected you mentally. Will you explain your thoughts/feelings and plan of action to handle this medical challenge?
KJ: I was frightened of the unknown. Before and after each procedure I prayed diligently. Prayer was most important especially while waiting for an answer to find out whether it was cancer or not. The only reason I ate differently was because of the lack of an appetite I had. But knowing that I did have to eat, I ate small portions every hour. It was ironic because I felt fine the day before my appointment and the day of the appointment I felt different. On the day of my appointment, I explained to the doctor how I felt. She ordered the blood work and my numbers were elevated. That alarmed her and she ordered other tests to be done. She asked that I bring somebody with me to my follow up visit and that alarmed me. But she knew that I needed someone with me with a clear head that could take in what was being explained. I went to the doctor one day and had surgery the next day. This kept me from having to go back-and-forth with it in my mind.
POE: Now that you've been to the doctor, read all the reports and heard all the comments from friends, family and coworkers, what did you do to protect your heart, mind and health?
KJ: I’ve had more time to get in God’s word which has strengthened me in so many areas. My faith has increased, my prayer life has increased, my witnessing has increased and my love for God has increased.
POE: How has your faith and belief (positive or negative) changed (increased or decreased) in God?
KJ: My faith has increased in God. I had my plan but God had His plan in this issue. My plan was to retire but God said to use this time to recover. I thank God that I had favor in that area and that I was not sick a lot throughout the years that enabled me to have enough time to take off work.
POE: What's the One thing you wish people would stop asking you about this medical challenge?
KJ: Stop asking me about my WEIGHT! My thing is, when someone is ill the weight just naturally comes off. That vexes me when people ask.
POE: If you could encourage just one person today who's being physically challenged, what would you say?
KJ: I know we put our faith in doctors, but they don’t have all the answers: we have to truly rely and depend on God.
Thanks in advance KJ for helping me to encourage others as we all... Enjoy the Journey!
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#PathsofEncouragement #POE |
POE: Tell me a little about yourself?
KJ: My name is KJ and I was born in Birmingham, AL. I attended A.H. Parker High School and Jefferson State Community College. After college I worked various jobs until I finally settled in with the County. I have two children and one grandchild. My hobbies include crocheting, crossword puzzles and helping others. I like movies and going out to eat. I attend a local Baptist church.
POE: We only worked together for about a month before you left on medical leave which means I didn't know you well enough to know how this affected you mentally. Will you explain your thoughts/feelings and plan of action to handle this medical challenge?
KJ: I was frightened of the unknown. Before and after each procedure I prayed diligently. Prayer was most important especially while waiting for an answer to find out whether it was cancer or not. The only reason I ate differently was because of the lack of an appetite I had. But knowing that I did have to eat, I ate small portions every hour. It was ironic because I felt fine the day before my appointment and the day of the appointment I felt different. On the day of my appointment, I explained to the doctor how I felt. She ordered the blood work and my numbers were elevated. That alarmed her and she ordered other tests to be done. She asked that I bring somebody with me to my follow up visit and that alarmed me. But she knew that I needed someone with me with a clear head that could take in what was being explained. I went to the doctor one day and had surgery the next day. This kept me from having to go back-and-forth with it in my mind.
POE: Now that you've been to the doctor, read all the reports and heard all the comments from friends, family and coworkers, what did you do to protect your heart, mind and health?
KJ: I’ve had more time to get in God’s word which has strengthened me in so many areas. My faith has increased, my prayer life has increased, my witnessing has increased and my love for God has increased.
POE: How has your faith and belief (positive or negative) changed (increased or decreased) in God?
KJ: My faith has increased in God. I had my plan but God had His plan in this issue. My plan was to retire but God said to use this time to recover. I thank God that I had favor in that area and that I was not sick a lot throughout the years that enabled me to have enough time to take off work.
POE: What's the One thing you wish people would stop asking you about this medical challenge?
KJ: Stop asking me about my WEIGHT! My thing is, when someone is ill the weight just naturally comes off. That vexes me when people ask.
POE: If you could encourage just one person today who's being physically challenged, what would you say?
KJ: I know we put our faith in doctors, but they don’t have all the answers: we have to truly rely and depend on God.
Saturday, June 24, 2017
Sleeping with the Enemy
As I write this, it's 1:30 am in the morning and I'm up. Why? Because the enemy to my sleep has waken me up to an almost full blown anxiety attack! I woke up with thoughts running through my mind about how "this was it". How I "wasn't gonna make it" this time. Not only that but my body was reacting also. I was itchy, hot and felt like something was really wrong this time. Yeah, I said this time because I've been to this place before; only now I know better. I now know that this attack is truly the enemy trying to steal from me the peace that God has given me because I put my trust in Him.
Last month, I talked about my Journey to Debt Freedom and how my faith in God is propelling me toward that freedom. Well, you better believe that since that avenue of testing was blocked, I was tested in another area - my health. Or the belief that my health was failing and I was gonna die. I'm not talking about getting sick and maybe one day recovering. No, those thoughts said, "die", "death" and "dead" and they all pointed toward me. When I woke up, I had to basically arrest those thoughts by first getting my body under control. I had to speak words of life over myself and know that God WILL NOT bombard you with evil thoughts when He deals with you. So I had to recognize where the thoughts were coming from and choose what I was going to believe.
I chose to believe that God was with me in that situation the same as He was with me when my finances ran out. That just as there was a way of escape from the previous test, there was also an escape for this test. But I had to calm myself enough to be able to hear from God and know that He was with me: no one else was there to pray for, lay hands on or help me. To understand that I would not die but live and be bold enough to share this process with others. So, the next time you're in a "midnight hour" and the enemy comes in to steal from you, don't just lay there and accept it. No matter the time, get up, stay up and rise up in your authority as a believer in Jesus Christ.
Scripture reference: John 15:4-8
Last month, I talked about my Journey to Debt Freedom and how my faith in God is propelling me toward that freedom. Well, you better believe that since that avenue of testing was blocked, I was tested in another area - my health. Or the belief that my health was failing and I was gonna die. I'm not talking about getting sick and maybe one day recovering. No, those thoughts said, "die", "death" and "dead" and they all pointed toward me. When I woke up, I had to basically arrest those thoughts by first getting my body under control. I had to speak words of life over myself and know that God WILL NOT bombard you with evil thoughts when He deals with you. So I had to recognize where the thoughts were coming from and choose what I was going to believe.
I chose to believe that God was with me in that situation the same as He was with me when my finances ran out. That just as there was a way of escape from the previous test, there was also an escape for this test. But I had to calm myself enough to be able to hear from God and know that He was with me: no one else was there to pray for, lay hands on or help me. To understand that I would not die but live and be bold enough to share this process with others. So, the next time you're in a "midnight hour" and the enemy comes in to steal from you, don't just lay there and accept it. No matter the time, get up, stay up and rise up in your authority as a believer in Jesus Christ.
Scripture reference: John 15:4-8
Saturday, May 27, 2017
Journey to Debt Freedom
It all began "again" during the month of February when I was expecting an unexpected retirement cash withdrawal. I know, I know, I can think of at least three questions to ask just from the first sentence alone. But give me a minute and I'll do my best to explain. See, I'd been living from paycheck to paycheck; only thing is, I didn't see this as a bad thing -only an inconvenience. But when the bottom fell out and my accounts were completely wiped out, only then did I clearly understand God's directive to "get out of debt and stay out".
For the last few months, I've been operating on a barely there financial existence. It's been a real eye opener for me. I now see debt as the enemy to my financial freedom that I've believed God for all these years. A few months before the downturn happened, I'd been blessed with a new job and a new car. Then all of a sudden, I was hit with a situation that's never happened to me before - I couldn't pay my bills and I had no money in the bank! How did this happen? It happened because I was "robbing Peter to pay Paul" and when the finances that were due to me didn't show up in time (plus tax season rolled around and the refund I got back was the lowest amount I'd ever gotten since I've been working), I had no emergency fund or fall-back plan in place. This was a major hit to my keeping myself afloat until the next paycheck.
Today, I see myself debt free for life and that's the direction I'm headed. I don't plan to make friends with debt ever again. See, God has delivered me from debt not once but twice before in my life. Now I truly understand His directive to stay out of debt because each time has been worse than the last time. I can't even begin to tell you how I ended up with no money in the bank. But what I can tell you I did have was my faith in God and I knew that there had to be a way out of what I'd found myself in financially. I read books, watched YouTube videos and participated in YouVersion plans. I needed to change my focus from my lack of finances to getting the knowledge I needed, seeing examples in people who've done what I was about to do and getting the worry out.
Book: Debt Free for Life by David Bach
YouTube videos: His And Her Money - Talaat and Tai McNeely
YouVersion: Plans about worry, anxiety and fear
I went on a six week #Noworries fast
Scripture reference: 1 Corinthians 10:13
For the last few months, I've been operating on a barely there financial existence. It's been a real eye opener for me. I now see debt as the enemy to my financial freedom that I've believed God for all these years. A few months before the downturn happened, I'd been blessed with a new job and a new car. Then all of a sudden, I was hit with a situation that's never happened to me before - I couldn't pay my bills and I had no money in the bank! How did this happen? It happened because I was "robbing Peter to pay Paul" and when the finances that were due to me didn't show up in time (plus tax season rolled around and the refund I got back was the lowest amount I'd ever gotten since I've been working), I had no emergency fund or fall-back plan in place. This was a major hit to my keeping myself afloat until the next paycheck.
Today, I see myself debt free for life and that's the direction I'm headed. I don't plan to make friends with debt ever again. See, God has delivered me from debt not once but twice before in my life. Now I truly understand His directive to stay out of debt because each time has been worse than the last time. I can't even begin to tell you how I ended up with no money in the bank. But what I can tell you I did have was my faith in God and I knew that there had to be a way out of what I'd found myself in financially. I read books, watched YouTube videos and participated in YouVersion plans. I needed to change my focus from my lack of finances to getting the knowledge I needed, seeing examples in people who've done what I was about to do and getting the worry out.
Book: Debt Free for Life by David Bach
YouTube videos: His And Her Money - Talaat and Tai McNeely
YouVersion: Plans about worry, anxiety and fear
I went on a six week #Noworries fast
Scripture reference: 1 Corinthians 10:13
Saturday, April 22, 2017
While at work one day, I overheard a lady say "my ex-husband" as she was giving her statement to the clerk and for some reason the words "ex-husband" jumped out at me. I know that dating relationships and even friendships end and we move on with our lives but my Question to You is "Why do people end a relationship that they thought would last forever?" Aside from there being abuse or continued adultery in the relationship, how easy does it have to become to say "I've had enough of This and You and I want out!"
Over the weekend I had meaningful conversations with a few friends and out of the four of us, I was the only one never divorced. Is the fact that I've never been married the only reason why I haven't experienced the death of a relationship through divorce? Hmmm... We each had different takes on what and how relationships and even life was supposed to happen. But what should be the deciding factor when those differences arise? Hmmm...
I've been through rough and tough relationships in my Single life; those times when I felt like giving up and especially those times when I couldn't see my way through. On this side of those tests, trials and temptations I can't imagine what could happen in a marital relationship that would cause one or both parties to give up on the relationship they hoped would last forever. But after taking the time to think on the matter, I've come to realize that the differences of opinions about the same situation, selfishness from one or both parties and the unwillingness to compromise is the most dangerous factors in any relationship.
Scripture reference: 2 Corinthians 6:14 MSG
Over the weekend I had meaningful conversations with a few friends and out of the four of us, I was the only one never divorced. Is the fact that I've never been married the only reason why I haven't experienced the death of a relationship through divorce? Hmmm... We each had different takes on what and how relationships and even life was supposed to happen. But what should be the deciding factor when those differences arise? Hmmm...
I've been through rough and tough relationships in my Single life; those times when I felt like giving up and especially those times when I couldn't see my way through. On this side of those tests, trials and temptations I can't imagine what could happen in a marital relationship that would cause one or both parties to give up on the relationship they hoped would last forever. But after taking the time to think on the matter, I've come to realize that the differences of opinions about the same situation, selfishness from one or both parties and the unwillingness to compromise is the most dangerous factors in any relationship.
Scripture reference: 2 Corinthians 6:14 MSG
Saturday, March 25, 2017
Willing to Walk Alone
Every year for the past few years my New Years resolution has been to streamline the relationships in my life that don't promote growth. The ones where I'm the only one giving and not really receiving from the relationship. I've even gone so far as to confide in a friend my reasoning behind my actions so that I could be held accountable for allowing people I know that only want to get from me but not give anything to me remain unchecked. This all lasted about as long as any New Years resolution lasted. I'd find myself within the first few months of the year falling back into the same patterns as I had the year before. The patterns that told me that the relationship was one-sided and that I needed to set boundaries or get out completely. But something happened towards the end of 2016 that now has me totally Willing to Walk Alone in 2017.
My Pastor has this saying "If you're willing to walk alone, God will give you someone to walk with you". I've fully embraced the concept of that statement this year. Whereas at times past, I thought I knew enough about the concept to make a relationship work. However, I now fully understand that I was only accepting what was placed before me whether I wanted it or not thereby not really receiving what I needed from the relationship. One thing that sticks out in my mind is the fact that I was willing to date a man that I had absolutely no attraction to just because I wanted to be in a relationship. So, was I really willing to walk alone?
The answer to that question is a resounding NO! Now I know it's not just about being attracted to a person in order for a relationship to work; but that sure does help. Ever since I started checking my motives (as well as the attraction level) of the men I meet, I've come to realize that a lot of them are friend material -but guys don't want to be put in the friend zone- that could have the possibility of becoming more if given the time and chance to build. In 2016 I had to end a relationship (the attraction level for me was off the charts) because when it came to walking in agreement about the direction of the relationship, we just couldn't see eye to eye. It's one thing to say you're willing to walk alone if you don't have someone you're willing to walk with in your life. But when you think you have that someone and things still don't work, being willing to walk alone so that God will give you someone to walk with adds so much more value to the kind of relationship that you desire.
Scripture reference: Amos 3:3
My Pastor has this saying "If you're willing to walk alone, God will give you someone to walk with you". I've fully embraced the concept of that statement this year. Whereas at times past, I thought I knew enough about the concept to make a relationship work. However, I now fully understand that I was only accepting what was placed before me whether I wanted it or not thereby not really receiving what I needed from the relationship. One thing that sticks out in my mind is the fact that I was willing to date a man that I had absolutely no attraction to just because I wanted to be in a relationship. So, was I really willing to walk alone?
The answer to that question is a resounding NO! Now I know it's not just about being attracted to a person in order for a relationship to work; but that sure does help. Ever since I started checking my motives (as well as the attraction level) of the men I meet, I've come to realize that a lot of them are friend material -but guys don't want to be put in the friend zone- that could have the possibility of becoming more if given the time and chance to build. In 2016 I had to end a relationship (the attraction level for me was off the charts) because when it came to walking in agreement about the direction of the relationship, we just couldn't see eye to eye. It's one thing to say you're willing to walk alone if you don't have someone you're willing to walk with in your life. But when you think you have that someone and things still don't work, being willing to walk alone so that God will give you someone to walk with adds so much more value to the kind of relationship that you desire.
Scripture reference: Amos 3:3
Saturday, February 25, 2017
Love Less
On this side of life, the side that wishes I'd known all the things I know now way back then, it's easier to see how misguided I was in my thinking concerning relationships. I thought that love was all that was needed to make a relationship work. But given the fact that I didn't know the true meaning of love, no wonder things eventually did not work in my relationships. What will make a relationship work is commitment. On this side of my relationships, I can see that there was no commitment involved; it was get in quick and get out quicker. There was no time taken to get to know each other before the flames of passion turned into the ashes of disappointment.
Over the years I've come to learn that love is a choice. Yes, a choice: me giving the other person the choice to remain (or leave) my life without me being totally devastated by the fact that they do or do not want to be a part of my life. How could someone staying in my life be devastating? The fact that they are only there because they fear my reaction to their wanting to leave. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a drama queen. I've only created ONE dramatic scene on the side of the highway when I was new to the dating scene and he "just wasn't making enough time to be with me" because he was doing everything he could to leave the relationship but I was too busy trying to hold on to him.
I remember telling God (twice in my life) that I would choose the Man over Him should the Man decide to come back into my life. The mere fact that the Man (both of them) were no longer in my life suggests that there were valid reasons that we were no longer together. Why would I choose someone who I already knew would not commit to me over God? Because I didn't understand God's priority concerning relationships. It's not that God didn't want me to love them enough to choose to allow either one of them back into my life should they have chosen to come back. What He did want was for me to Love them Less than Him. To always put Him first in everything I do, even my relationships.
Scripture reference: Luke 14:26
Over the years I've come to learn that love is a choice. Yes, a choice: me giving the other person the choice to remain (or leave) my life without me being totally devastated by the fact that they do or do not want to be a part of my life. How could someone staying in my life be devastating? The fact that they are only there because they fear my reaction to their wanting to leave. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a drama queen. I've only created ONE dramatic scene on the side of the highway when I was new to the dating scene and he "just wasn't making enough time to be with me" because he was doing everything he could to leave the relationship but I was too busy trying to hold on to him.
I remember telling God (twice in my life) that I would choose the Man over Him should the Man decide to come back into my life. The mere fact that the Man (both of them) were no longer in my life suggests that there were valid reasons that we were no longer together. Why would I choose someone who I already knew would not commit to me over God? Because I didn't understand God's priority concerning relationships. It's not that God didn't want me to love them enough to choose to allow either one of them back into my life should they have chosen to come back. What He did want was for me to Love them Less than Him. To always put Him first in everything I do, even my relationships.
Scripture reference: Luke 14:26
Saturday, January 28, 2017
Hey everyone, thought I'd start the New Year off with a Q&A where you can ask me those things you want to know about me. You can ask your questions in the comment section and I'll be more than happy to reveal even more interesting facts about myself to you. Now is the time to get an even deeper insight into how and why my blog exists.
What can I ask, you say? Maybe you'd like to know what M924Life means or where the term came from? How about why the blog is titled my journey, my story? You can also ask personal questions, however, I reserve the right to determine if I deem it too personal for a response-or maybe we can DM or email about it. I'm open to hear from you and can't wait to see exactly what it is YOU want to know about me.
You may also ask your questions to me on Twitter: @M924Life. I use Twitter as the platform of notification when I post a new blog. So if you're not subscribed to receive my blogs by email (or even if you are) follow me on Twitter so we can get this Q&A started.
Scripture reference: 1Peter 3:15
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