Saturday, September 24, 2016

Why wait?

What are you waiting to happen before you start Enjoying life? For me, I've waited on a man to come into my life before I could be truly happy.  I've waited on a better job that would enable me to not only have but be able to give to others freely.  I've even waited on Me to not be so scared to Enjoy what I did have because I worried about what I didn't have.

I'm challenging you to stop the waiting. . .Now! Make the most of THIS day and every day thereafter; whether you have it all together or not.  Who will know, other than yourself, how much you have to bless others.  Just be a blessing! Who will know how many movies you've attended alone because you didn't have a significant other in your life. Just get out there and Enjoy life! And who will know that you have an iPhone and iPad but still worry about getting an iMac unless you tell them. Just live your life on Purpose and Enjoy the Journey! 
Today's video is about deciding to put the "waiting on things to change" before I can be happy, blessed or truly live idea behind me and purpose to Enjoy every day of my life as the gift it truly is meant to be.  Not gonna be, but already has been, is and will continue to be.  So, why wait? to be happy, blessed and truly live sometime in the future when you can be those things right now.