Saturday, February 28, 2015

Waiting for the snow!

As I sit at home prepared for the forecasted snow that will hit our area today, I wonder what other areas of my life that I'm prepared for but have yet to see the manifestation. Sure, I've got my bread, eggs and canned goods. I've also got a movie cued up and ready for me to hit play at a moments notice. I don't have to work today (thank goodness) so no need to try to "make it in" before the snow falls. All that's seemingly left for me to do is "wait" for the snow to come.

For me, it's a holding pattern of sorts because I remember last year being stranded at my job during a snow storm for three days -by myself! You should see the after pictures I took of myself. Sure, the snow had been forecasted that time as well, however, the storm moved in much quicker than expected and basically brought everything to a standstill. We were not ready for so much snow in such a short time frame. I wonder if it's that way with the things I am believing God for in my life. That even though I am prepared and ready for manifestation, other areas (or people) are not yet equipped (or prepared) to handle what has been forecasted.

As I write, I'm encouraged to know that just like this forecasted snow storm, the things I desire in my life have also been forecasted; in God's written and Rhema words to me. I trust Him to keep me from being stranded and not benefiting from His promises to me. I believe He can and will prepare the way that all involved with me receiving His manifested promises are fully equipped to handle each and every blessing. So in my life as well as with this forecasted snow storm, I am ready to receive. 

Saturday, February 21, 2015


I was thinking about my life on my ride in to work today and I had to stop and laugh. I laughed because right now at this moment in my life, I am exactly where I wanted to be 30 years ago. Coincidence? I think not. I want to believe it's the chance that I thought was taken away from me so long ago due to inexperience. 

As a young person, I knew what I wanted to "do" with my life. Sure, it wasn't to be the first to conquer this or build that, but it was what was on the inside of me that I thought would make me happy. But as I stated, I didn't get the chance to pursue what I wanted. Therefore, I pursued the desires of others: I went to the college that others said would benefit me ( I'm not complaining, I learned a lot and met some really nice people). I dated the guys my girlfriends said would be good for me (on this one, I'm usually right and I'm determined to date who I like!). And I kept quiet when others said "don't rock the boat" ( I'm no longer in the boat, I'm walking on water). 

I have a friend who is a minister that taught that we should acknowledge God and let Him direct our paths. That if we consult Him when we are young (if you aren't as young as you used to be, that's ok too) and don't know which direction to take, He can keep us from going down so many paths in life that cause us frustration and heartache. I guess today I really thought about what my life would be like if I'd known how to truly submit my ways to God at a young age and stand in faith believing Him to make my dreams come true. 

On this side looking back, I know I can be much farther along than I am now. But knowing God and His ways the way I do now, I know that He can redeem the time and not just catch me up to where I should have been but He will far exceed my expectations and take me farther than I ever thought I could go. I want to encourage each and every one of you to know that where you are right now is no surprise to God. In some cases it may be a surprise to you (I think that's why I laughed) but don't give up because a life that is both fulfilling and rewarding awaits you as you Enjoy the Journey!

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Happy Valentine's Day!

For those of you who have that special someone to spend the day with, please don't take it lightly. It almost reminds me of Christmas. How so many take that one day to shower the people in their lives with gifts when they should be generous all year long. For some, this day may be the only day they will get flowers or candy or even words of love and affirmation. Hopefully in your case, this is not so.

For those of you who do not have that special someone to spend the day with, please don't take it lightly. Just because there's no one there to call your own, doesn't mean there is no one to call. It reminds me of the person who has lost a significant loved one.  How so many take for granted the other people who are still alive and wanting not only to comfort them but be comforted by them. Hopefully in your case, this is not so. 

No matter which group you may fall in, this day is a day of love. The best way to get what you want is to give what you want. So if you want flowers, candy, words of love, affirmation and comfort, give those things to the people in your life. A phone call or card may work wonders for that person that's been on your mind lately. Just like you've been thinking about someone, someone has been thinking about you. It's all in the way you look at it. So here's a little poem from me to you:

Happy Valentine's Day
As you take the time to celebrate
Your wife, your husband or even your Boo
Remember just how much your Heavenly Father 
Gave to prove His love for you

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Do you have Hope?

As a Believer, we are never without Hope (refer to sermon teaching Feel like Quitting, subtopic "Hope -Anchor of the Soul" on However, there are times and situations that just have you at a place of puzzlement. These are the times when you really have to hold on to your Hope. Over the years, I've experienced such times and dare I say that right now, I'm experiencing such a time.

After listening to the sermon message and then receiving my verse for today (Philippians 4:6-7 MSG), I realized that I was more focused on the situation not turning out the way I'd hoped. Why? Because of past experiences. I know that in Christ I have the victory but my past experiences have taught me that those victories have come with great struggle. So I've prepared for the struggle during this trying time in my life. I'm ready to stand my ground and refuse to be moved because I'm used to opposition. From my past it appears that others have been allowed to move me to fit their best advantage. That I've only gotten to a certain place because they wanted me there. Now as I face this situation and realize that I don't want to be where they want to put me, what recourse do I have?

When I look at the people (or situations) in my life that act opposite to what I am believing God for, I tend to justify that their actions may supersede God's plan for my life. Thing is, I really know God's plan because when I decided to make these changes in my life, I consulted Him. I moved out on His instructions. It doesn't matter how many times others tell me what they think I should be doing, my purpose is to do what God directed. That's when I'm the most happiest. Now that I am assured that I am never without Hope, I've already prayed twice today and I've only been awake for three hours. That just shows me how much the situation has really been weighing on my mind. The difference this time is that I've purposed to work the Word so that I may experience sweat-less victory as I Enjoy the Journey!