Saturday, November 23, 2019

The Ride of My Life 4

Part 4: Socially - Everybody Else

A friend recently said to me, “I thank God for every job I’ve ever had!” She went on to explain that the friendships, insight, knowledge and even pain she experienced at each job were a part of her growth process in learning how to interact with all kinds of people. I agree wholeheartedly with her statement. However, I also thank God for each relationship (dating and friendship) in my life as well as my family dynamic. 

Years ago I used to work with a lady that I only knew in passing. Fast forward to present day and I see this lady at the same place I am as we’re getting our cars serviced. After we went through the process of remembering where we knew each other from, we struck up a conversation about our every day lives. Even though we only knew of each other when we worked together, we discovered that life had a way of leading us down the same path of debt freedom and maintaining our health. Just because we weren’t immediate coworkers in the past, we both remembered the other person as being nice and friendly which made this conversation even more insightful. Who knows, maybe we would have become friends all those years ago. 

As far as relationships go, I’m an optimist so I want them all (dating and friendships) to work out. But that hasn’t always been the case. At one point in my life I felt all alone because I didn’t have any one person I could consistently turn to. Then one day I prayed and asked God for some good girlfriends that I could share with and hang out with on a continual basis. He quickly answered my prayer by sending someone back into my life that I met on a Singles trip. We became fast friends. This motivated me to increase my participation with my Lifegroups and I made even more friends. My coworkers and I started getting along better at work which led to us hanging out after work. But God wasn’t finished exceeding my expectations from my prayer. He gifted me with a Mentor that has inspired my faith walk with Him to the point that I believe that with Him all things are possible. 

So in closing, let’s talk about my family dynamic. We aren’t all on the same page as of this writing. But the ones that even want to be in the same book are participating in family functions. We get together and eat, play games or just talk to each other. There are times when we know to pull back for a while but we realize that we can always come back together at any time. Which leads me to the fact that I’m still believing God for a husband and a family of my own. I’ve experienced through my work relationships and friendships that there are cycles in life. Just because I haven’t maintained a successful dating relationship in my past does not mean that I’m not capable of establishing and maintaining a healthy relationship now. I look forward to engaging life with the man that God has destined for my life. As with My Journey my story, I’m looking forward to Enjoying the Journey to Us.