Saturday, April 22, 2017


While at work one day, I overheard a lady say "my ex-husband" as she was giving her statement to the clerk and for some reason the words "ex-husband" jumped out at me.  I know that dating relationships and even friendships end and we move on with our lives but my Question to You is "Why do people end a relationship that they thought would last forever?" Aside from there being abuse or continued adultery in the relationship, how easy does it have to become to say "I've had enough of This and You and I want out!" 

Over the weekend I had meaningful conversations with a few friends and out of the four of us, I was the only one never divorced. Is the fact that I've never been married the only reason why I haven't experienced the death of a relationship through divorce? Hmmm... We each had different takes on what and how relationships and even life was supposed to happen. But what should be the deciding factor when those differences arise? Hmmm...

I've been through rough and tough relationships in my Single life; those times when I felt like giving up and especially those times when I couldn't see my way through. On this side of those tests, trials and temptations I can't  imagine what could happen in a marital relationship that would cause one or both parties to give up on the relationship they hoped would last forever. But after taking the time to think on the matter, I've come to realize that the differences of opinions about the same situation, selfishness from one or both parties and the unwillingness to compromise is the most dangerous factors in any relationship. 

Scripture reference: 2 Corinthians 6:14 MSG

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