Saturday, December 9, 2017


Losing Yourself/Making room for God

Life is full of various types of didactic relationships.  I am referring to all types of relationships whether it’s significant others, family, friends and associates.  We never forget the good relationships and the bad ones tend to teach lifelong lessons. The lessons of life help us to become closer to God.  

 I realize that in life you can lose yourself by seeking assurance and love from others. When people feel they have power over you they tend to use it to their advantage to distract your purpose in life.  Relationships can either increase or decrease your self-esteem.  When your self-esteem has been decreased you lose the confidence you once had in yourself. I am not saying you shouldn’t help others but, sometimes people can require so much of you to fulfill their insecurities that you lose yourself in the process. By focusing more on them and less on God.    

I have lost myself in many relationships in life.  You can find yourself wondering who am I and how did I get to this point in life.  When a relationship doesn’t turn out the way you portray it to be you can lose yourself. Giving too much power to the wrong focus in life can bring you to a place of uncertainty and acceptance to someone else’s purpose in life. When I started to pray and ask God “What is my problem?” He replied “Because you are not putting me FIRST”. Prioritizing different relationships in your life by putting God before anyone and everything makes a BIG difference in who we are and seeking to become. Once you put God first and believe in yourself you can make a difference in the relationships that you decide to be in. Make room for God no matter the circumstances relationships and life brings. God will help you find yourself and your purpose in life!

 Guest Writer- PT

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