Saturday, March 26, 2016

Fear Not!

I am at a place in my life where I can now embrace love, a man and a relationship. I can see how it's supposed to work, feel and be. For so many years I've fancied myself in love but I didn't truly have it on the inside. What I did have was surface feelings magnified to appear deep but was truly shallow.

I am grateful to God that He prepares the way before me. He informed me to prepare for marriage and although I've said it way too many times in the past, this time I know that I am ready to love and be loved. There will be no need to look for hidden agendas and motives because God brought us together and there's work that needs to be done. We are actually on the same team and are in it to win it. There's a whole world (our world) that need us to win so that we can be examples for them.

Today's video is one that I hope encourages and inspires you to let go of what is keeping you from going forward. I declare and decree that my marriage will be an inspiration and example for many generations to come. One that brings glory and honor to God because He is pleased with our covenant and stewardship.