Saturday, March 23, 2019

My Needs ARE Met

There’s no way I could have gotten to this point all by myself. But just know this, I’m HERE! My Journey to Debt Freedom has been nothing less than the unexpected. Every way I thought I would make debt freedom happen for me either fell apart, blew up in my face or left me hanging. I didn’t know which way to turn; but I did know who I could call on. 

In a bold move on my part I asked God to completely deliver me from debt. I explained how I participated with Him during the two prior times that He delivered me from debt; but this time I asked Him to do it all by Himself. Did I believe that He would answer that prayer? Was it even possible to get out of debt without doing anything? Keep reading and you’ll find out. 

Obedience is better than sacrifice! A little over four months ago I was instructed by God to not make any additional payments on the debt. Before that, my plan was to pay extra on my lowest bill using the debt snowball method, then attack the next debt and by the first of the year start to pay off my car. Well four months ago I thought God was "in error" when He said to not make additional payments on the debt. Each month since, I've thought about going ahead and making the extra payments but something has always come up and I wouldn’t have any extra to pay toward the debt. So last month I finally surrendered the "fight” of trying to do what I’d been instructed not to do. 

Well this month rolls in and my check was short -that's another story for another time. We get paid tomorrow and my check now reflects the extra insurance that I added but even though my pay increase is there, I'm not bringing home as much as I thought. Seems there was a payroll error made that won’t be corrected until my next paycheck. This morning I totally committed my Journey to Debt Freedom to God because in my mind, getting the extra income was gonna be ME handling the debt -without God's help. And all along He has been showing me that He knows this path that I'm on better than I do and He will lead me to total debt freedom! Because I haven't created any new debt, even in the midst of not making additional payments, the current debt balance is decreasing. Now I'm truly trusting God to teach me how to handle my finances and live my life totally Debt Free!