Saturday, May 27, 2017

Journey to Debt Freedom

It all began "again" during the month of February when I was expecting an unexpected retirement cash withdrawal. I know, I know, I can think of at least three questions to ask just from the first sentence alone. But give me a minute and I'll do my best to explain. See, I'd been living from paycheck to paycheck; only thing is, I didn't see this as a bad thing -only an inconvenience. But when the bottom fell out and my accounts were completely wiped out, only then did I clearly understand God's directive to "get out of debt and stay out". 

For the last few months, I've been operating on a barely there financial existence. It's been a real eye opener for me.  I now see debt as the enemy to my financial freedom that I've believed God for all these years. A few months before the downturn happened, I'd been blessed with a new job and a new car.  Then all of a sudden, I was hit with a situation that's never happened to me before - I couldn't pay my bills and I had no money in the bank! How did this happen? It happened because I was "robbing Peter to pay Paul" and when the finances that were due to me didn't show up in time (plus tax season rolled around and the refund I got back was the lowest amount I'd ever gotten since I've been working), I had no emergency fund or fall-back plan in place. This was a major hit to my keeping myself afloat until the next paycheck. 

Today, I see myself debt free for life and that's the direction I'm headed. I don't plan to make friends with debt ever again. See, God has delivered me from debt not once but twice before in my life. Now I truly understand His directive to stay out of debt because each time has been worse than the last time. I can't even begin to tell you how I ended up with no money in the bank. But what I can tell you I did have was my faith in God and I knew that there had to be a way out of what I'd found myself in financially.  I read books, watched YouTube videos and participated in YouVersion plans.  I needed to change my focus from my lack of finances to getting the knowledge I needed, seeing examples in people who've done what I was about to do and getting the worry out. 

Book: Debt Free for Life by David Bach
YouTube videos: His And Her Money - Talaat and Tai McNeely
YouVersion: Plans about worry, anxiety and fear
I went on a six week #Noworries fast

Scripture reference: 1 Corinthians 10:13


  1. I see myself debt free as well. I have faith that I will get there with my Lord Jesus direction and blessings

  2. Amen. When you tithe and trust God to lead you with managing the other 90%, debt freedom can become your reality.
