Saturday, December 31, 2016


Today's video is about how God has restored  my perspective on how I see those things that have been "lost" in my life. Whether stolen by the enemy or given away by me through my lack of faith or ignorance of God's word. However, restoration didn't just happen over night; it's been a process. 

Even tonight as I write, I'm faced with the mindset that the grounds I'd gained in certain relationships have been taken back and really didn't exist in the first place.  Who told me that? Just because people behave a certain way does not mean that the healing that took place didn't really happen. It just means that I've outgrown the immature things of the past that kept me from growing and knowing when to maintain my ground in that relationship instead of just giving up. 
As you watch today's video allow God to restore to you those things lost, stolen or given away in your life.  Don't enter 2017 with built up walls, baggage and unforgiveness  in your heart.  2017 promises to be a year of Restoration so why not get in agreement with God right now and know that from this day forward, you will walk in full manifestation of His promises to you. 

Saturday, December 24, 2016

I'm in Great Expectation

Have you ever wanted "something" and prepared yourself to receive it? You created a vision board, talked about it constantly and Thanked God daily for providing it for you.  Then that "something" doesn't come in the package or way that you think it should. However, what you do receive far exceeds even your level of expectation. It surpasses what you even thought you were able to get, have or receive. 

Right now in my life, I'm experiencing "exceeding my level of expectation" concerning areas that I've been believing God to turn around in my favor, for my good. I've literally been thanking Him daily for the last two months about His unprecedented provision in my life.  Each day I wake up and wonder "why me?" in a good way. 
                           In today's video, I talk about an encounter that helped me to see that what I'm believing God for is not only believable but receivable. To keep your faith and trust in the One who is able to do exceeding abundantly and above all you can ask or think.  As you watch the video, whatever comes to mind in your own life, believe that God can and will do far better and above even your wildest dreams.  It's truly time to Possess the Land...Enjoy the Journey!

Saturday, November 26, 2016

The Journey

Looking back over my life, I wonder how much more could I have actually achieved, experienced and possessed if I knew then what I know now.  I was given this title 'The Journey' during bible study for a book I hope to one day write. I also have the scripture reference: Mark 10:17-30. For me, these passages all boiled down to whether or not I was doing what I was called by God to do in spite of my present conditions. 

Lately, God has been showing me that He has so much more in store for me if I'll only just believe Him. Every time God gives me a word (especially a challenging word) He always gives me an example of what to do.  For instance, when He revealed that I was not prepared for my marriage, He led me to men and women of God who had already traveled the path I was about to take.  Listening to their advice and gleaning from their experiences afforded me the opportunity to grow at a steady pace that was attainable for me and my lifestyle.  

In today's video, I hope to be an example for someone who's about to travel or is already traveling on the path of total trust in God and His word. That my experiences will afford you much insight and guidance for your own Journey. I pray you be encouraged and inspired to see God move in and through you in every area of your life.  As you allow Him to navigate the paths you take, my deepest desire is that you allow yourself to Enjoy the Journey!

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

My hair, really?

Yesterday while at work this man asked me if we had a dress code for our HAIR. WHAT? He went on to tell me that his ex-wife has hair like mine (I'm rocking wearable two strand twists). So I asked him if he "thought" we should have a dress code. Needless to say he could tell by the tone of my voice that he needed to choose his words wisely. His response "no, I don't think that".

So now here I am with words too numerous to write in this blog but I thought I'd give it a shot. On so many levels his remark opened up avenues of thoughts I dared not venture. Why? Because for so many years I've been my own worst critic about what's wrong with me and why no one (meaning a man) wants me in his life. I could tell by this mans attitude that he wants back in his ex-wife's life but for some reason her HAIR is a drawback. She may have reasons of her own for staying the Ex but on yesterday I would have been ok with her turning down his offer to reconcile. 

When I got home, his comment still bothered me. I looked at myself in the mirror and said these words "but this is the way WE looked when YOU first fell in love with us as little boys. This is the way OUR Mothers combed our HAIR when we were little girls!" We're (let me speak for myself) - I'm not trying to keep you away by looking like the person who raised me or the young and carefree person I was when I wore braids and an Afro in my youth. I'm certainly not trying to "get back to my roots" - whatever you may think that means. What I am doing is trying to be as healthy on the outside as God has made me on the inside. 

Sure, I would love to have long flowing bouncing and behaving waves and curls in my hair. But that's no longer possible outside of wigs and weaves. You should have seen me when I got a perm every two weeks when I was in my twenties. But somewhere in my thirties those perms took a toll and I needed to make a change in order to have HAIR for the rest of my life. 

So to say that my company needs to have a dress code because women are rocking their natural hair cut a little deeper than I expected. For years I thought I had to be lighter, thinner, smarter and even in some cases dumber to even be considered a prospect for some men. Only now to come face-to-face with a mindset that limits a mans potential for true happiness just because of a hairstyle. 

Believe me guys, that's ALL it is - a hairstyle. It's not ME: The caring, compassionate, sensitive to the leadership of the Holy Spirit woman of God you see every day. It's the Journey in one area of my life with a public view. The one that's thinner on top than I'd like and no matter which side I part it on, everyone can see. The one where the shrinkage is truly real when I want to wear a wash and go. And the one that was slightly wounded when told the woman who is doing ALL she can to keep it healthy was told that it should be bound by rules and regulations to make sure it conformed to someone else's view of what a hairstyle should look like. 

Phew, now that that's off my chest... I am encouraged to know that when faced with a challenging belittling mindset, I was able to pull from my past and remember the good - sitting at my sisters feet as she braided my hair. Protect my present and Enjoy the Journey- by watching YouTube video after YouTube video trying to perfect these two strand twist. And by favoring my future - by walking in love with that man with his off-center mindset. 

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Be at Peace

If ever there was a time for Peace, its now.  That is true on so many levels but the Peace I'm talking about begins and ends in You.  The kind of Peace that allows you to be unmovable as well as unstoppable in any situation. No matter what comes your way at any given point during your day. . .Peace!

It's truly amazing how even though each video was created months in advance, the content is always relevant when it's time to post.  I call that Peace that surpasses even my own understanding.  Only a God who cares for you and is concerned with your day-to-day life can give you an everlasting Peace that surrounds you and is capable of sustaining you each and every day.
           In today's video, I talk about the events that tried to "take my peace" as I went along my day.  I'd purposed in my heart to fully walk in the peace of God and on that particular day it seemed as if any and everything was determined to take that peace from me. I also challenge You to walk in peace with God, yourself and others.  To let the peace of God surround your heart, mind and spirit. No matter the journey you are on, the peace of God will sustain you so that you can Enjoy the Journey! 

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Just for You!

Hi, it's me Tracy. I just wanted to take the time to Encourage You and Thank You for reading my blog posts.  Being "fairly" new to blogging - meaning, not a lot of people know about my work yet, I am able to see which blog posts have and have not been read.  The other day, I noticed that the posts that had been read 0 times each now had 1 beside them. I became very excited because to me that meant that You found my blog and took the time to read what I've posted.  You really made my day.

As I went about my day yesterday, I considered the fact that hopefully you gained some insight on matters of your own heart through the words I'd written from my heart. On last night, I prayed earnestly for You.  I spoke increase, blessings and peace into your life and heart.  I pray you receive ALL that God has in store for You.  He does have a wonderful plan for your life and He needs you to be in agreement with Him that IT IS POSSIBLE!

No matter what it looks like now, remember, situations are subject to change. My very first post was born as a result of having been scammed on a dating site and I wanted my words to affect positive change in people's lives.  Not be used by a scammer to scam the next unsuspecting person.  Each day you wake up, speak positive, good and God-filled words over your life and those you are in relationship with.  Don't try to change the world, just change Your world; those God has given you the opportunity to sow into.  

I knew I wanted to Encourage You to know that I truly appreciate You taking the time to get God's heart on those things that concern You.  I thought last nights prayer would suffice, then this morning as I read today's passage of "Our Daily Bread", I was impressed upon to urge someone to keep on in their faith journey with God.  To Encourage someone to keep living for God.  Then during morning service at church, that same urgency to Encourage someone was present. I chose You! Not because you read my blog posts but because the love of our Father has brought us together even though we may never come in contact with one another.  He has transcended time and distance and joined us together by His Spirit so that we each know that with Him ALL things are POSSIBLE!  Enjoy the Journey!

Dear Lord, thank You for encouraging me through Your Word to keep living for You.

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Why wait?

What are you waiting to happen before you start Enjoying life? For me, I've waited on a man to come into my life before I could be truly happy.  I've waited on a better job that would enable me to not only have but be able to give to others freely.  I've even waited on Me to not be so scared to Enjoy what I did have because I worried about what I didn't have.

I'm challenging you to stop the waiting. . .Now! Make the most of THIS day and every day thereafter; whether you have it all together or not.  Who will know, other than yourself, how much you have to bless others.  Just be a blessing! Who will know how many movies you've attended alone because you didn't have a significant other in your life. Just get out there and Enjoy life! And who will know that you have an iPhone and iPad but still worry about getting an iMac unless you tell them. Just live your life on Purpose and Enjoy the Journey! 
Today's video is about deciding to put the "waiting on things to change" before I can be happy, blessed or truly live idea behind me and purpose to Enjoy every day of my life as the gift it truly is meant to be.  Not gonna be, but already has been, is and will continue to be.  So, why wait? to be happy, blessed and truly live sometime in the future when you can be those things right now. 

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Don't Look at me Now

I'm writing this blog from today's perspective-meaning concerning those things that are going on in my life right now, even though the video was created about seven months ago.  If you had told me then that what I'm experiencing now would actually be happening in my life I would have said "yeah, right!"  That just goes to show you that things, situations and circumstances are subject to change.

The more I think about how that declaration I made seven months ago is manifesting in my life today in areas that seemed impossible or resistant to change, the more excited I get about walking in the fullness of all God has spoken to me about my life.  I simply made an adjustment in my confession of faith and positioned myself to receive from God not only in my finances but in every area of my life.  Today I can honestly say my life does not look the way it looked seven months ago when I dared to take God at His word and align my confession with His word.
                                  In today's video I talk about a specific event that led to my proclamation to "Don't look at me now" because when you see me later things would not look the same.  How could I boldly declare such a statement? Because I knew that once my words aligned with God's will for my life, change for the better was inevitable. I pray you see an area(s) of your own life where even the smallest of changes will bring positive results to your life.  Enjoy the Journey!

Saturday, July 23, 2016

From my Heart

It's no secret that I desire to be married.  Over the years, my friends have often encouraged me to stand and believe that "one day my Prince will come". To not give up on the fact that I truly want a Godly marriage.  And even though at times I've wanted to just throw in the towel and give up hope that there really is a Prince for me, at one time or another, they've each inspired me to hold fast to my confession and BELIEVE.

As the years have gone by, I've often watched the ups and downs of my friend's marriages and at times wondered how they could stand and endure this thing called Marriage. It seemed like when it was good, it was very good.  However, when it was bad, it still could get worse.  And that "worse" is the  deciding factor that shakes the foundation of the very marriage we all hoped, believed and prayed for.

Today's video is my heartfelt plea to my friends who are "going through" in their marriages. They've been a source of encouragement to me and I so wanted to encourage them but I was at a place where I was limited as to what I could do to change the situation and had no words to say to calm the circumstance. What I could do was pray for them, believe with them and encourage them From my Heart.

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Spirit and Truth

Today I watched a YouTube video commentary about a "good girl" celebrity hooking up with a "bad boy" celebrity.  The host was basically dealing with all the negative feedback people were giving the "good girl" for hooking up with the "bad boy". The host commented on how people only know the image portrayed by celebrities and that maybe they each discovered the "real" person in each other and that's why they are together.  Not for publicity-positive or negative- but because they want to be together.

When it comes down to living life on purpose, you must choose if you want to walk in the "real" of being you in every area of life or just the perception that you are "real" in order to be accepted by others.  I've chosen to be as real and true to myself in my everyday life and my interactions with others.  That doesn't mean that I'm always understood but I'm open to communicate so that a win-win situation could arise to improve the quality of the relationship.

In today's video, I discovered the "real" person behind the facade of the person I was beginning to think of as a friend. When faced with a perception that seemed totally against what this person believed I was saying, I was attacked and totally written off as evil when in fact, just taking the time to understand the meaning of mere words could have saved a budding friendship.  Even during times like these I'm determined to Enjoy the Journey!

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

It's not Enough

Often times in life there comes a point when you have to be honest with yourself about who you are, what you have and what you want.  I was at just such a place when I told God "it's not enough!"  That there was so much more for me to experience than what I currently was experiencing. I wanted MORE!

I wanted everything He'd promised me in His word.  I had come to a place in my life where I was honest with myself as well as God, that I wanted more in my life. All that He has available for me, I want to experience in my life. And in order to experience more, I had to take God at His word; not my circumstances, limitations, doubts or fears.

Where are you in your level of expectations? Are you experiencing more than enough in your life? Or are you just settling for whatever comes your way; you'll be happy with that? I want to inspire and encourage you to believe for more: not just for yourself, but so you may be a blessing to others as well. There is much more available to you than what you are experiencing right now: just BELIEVE!

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Lead or Be Led

Looking back over my life, I've come to realize that in many ways, I am a Leader. Even though sometimes I want to blend into the background, that's not always possible in certain situations. At other times, the decision must be made of how willing I am to being led even though I am a leader.

Being a leader is more than barking out orders at people and expecting complete obedience on their part. Regardless to whether or not you lead the project or are just a part of the team, being the leader means you have to know when to operate from that leadership position or take on the responsibility as a teammate. To keep the ultimate goal of being successful in your endeavors regardless of your position or title.
This months video is about recognizing the need for good leadership and recognizing good leadership abilities in others.  The position I found myself in when someone I led ultimately wanted to be the leader and my reaction.  I hope you will evaluate your leadership style and understand the importance of working effectively and efficiently regardless to whether or not you lead or are being led.

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Fear Not!

I am at a place in my life where I can now embrace love, a man and a relationship. I can see how it's supposed to work, feel and be. For so many years I've fancied myself in love but I didn't truly have it on the inside. What I did have was surface feelings magnified to appear deep but was truly shallow.

I am grateful to God that He prepares the way before me. He informed me to prepare for marriage and although I've said it way too many times in the past, this time I know that I am ready to love and be loved. There will be no need to look for hidden agendas and motives because God brought us together and there's work that needs to be done. We are actually on the same team and are in it to win it. There's a whole world (our world) that need us to win so that we can be examples for them.

Today's video is one that I hope encourages and inspires you to let go of what is keeping you from going forward. I declare and decree that my marriage will be an inspiration and example for many generations to come. One that brings glory and honor to God because He is pleased with our covenant and stewardship.  

Friday, February 26, 2016

I did this ... Video

Back in August 2015, God revealed to me that I was not prepared for my marriage. I blogged about it (check out my blog titled I Did this to Myself 9/26/2015) as the revelation unfolded in my life. Today's video is the companion to that blog.

This is the very first video I created, so be gentle with me in your criticism. I really thought this video would be for my viewing only as a reminder of what God said and my response to His word. Nevertheless, if I can help someone else see where they are missing the mark, I'll gladly share my journey with them.

To briefly summarize the video, it contains the Rhema word from God. My process of making the necessary changes needed to correct and improve on what was revealed to me. And the catalyst for when things started to unravel and I got off course and maybe in my heart gave up on receiving what I desired. 


Saturday, January 30, 2016

Hi, it's me Tracy!

Happy New Year!  I pray you have been Enjoying 2016 so far: that things are good and that all is well in your life.  As for me, I think it's time I come out of the shadows and walk boldly in the light of the truth - I am fearfully and wonderfully made!  That being said, I'm walking this year out (with fear and trembling at times) being true to my authentic self.  Towards the middle and  end of last year, I basically found myself on YouTube admiring the vloggers and their transparency with the world.

I found several couples who have inspired me and helped to reawaken my desire for a godly husband. Those couples are: Sarah and Touré Roberts, Heather and Cornelius Lindsey, Sheretta and Brandon Taylor and Adanna and David Steinacker. Each couple in their own right has represented a different aspect of a godly and healthy relationship that has so inspired and encouraged me. I hope you take the time to check them out too; I know they will be a blessing.
Happy 2016!

As I stated earlier, their videos encouraged me so much that I downloaded iMovie and I created a few videos of my own. The video post today is my grand entrance into the cyber world.  Meaning, it's truly Me you will see. Not a caricature (as my blog photo) or a scenic view from an island I've visited (like my email photo).  It's really me! - that's the fear and trembling part I talked of earlier.  It's basically me introducing myself to you and my way of saying "Thanks" for taking the time to read my blogs.

               Enjoy the Journey!