Friday, February 26, 2016

I did this ... Video

Back in August 2015, God revealed to me that I was not prepared for my marriage. I blogged about it (check out my blog titled I Did this to Myself 9/26/2015) as the revelation unfolded in my life. Today's video is the companion to that blog.

This is the very first video I created, so be gentle with me in your criticism. I really thought this video would be for my viewing only as a reminder of what God said and my response to His word. Nevertheless, if I can help someone else see where they are missing the mark, I'll gladly share my journey with them.

To briefly summarize the video, it contains the Rhema word from God. My process of making the necessary changes needed to correct and improve on what was revealed to me. And the catalyst for when things started to unravel and I got off course and maybe in my heart gave up on receiving what I desired. 



  1. Glad to see the your path is lined with good fruit for you to pick on your journey to YOU. Good video. you are still a nut though?

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed the video. Thought it was only gonna be a reminder for me of what God spoke to me but as you can see, He's bringing me out of my comfort zone to where the really good fruit is 😉
