Saturday, March 21, 2015

Don't Look Back

When the time comes and you are truly ready to move forward in life, that's when you begin to realize that it's not always wisest to look back at those things that hindered you or caused you pain.  Of course, we must confront the negative issues of our past in order to heal and be able to move on but to always look back on them is not conducive for healthy growth. Looking back does not always produce the needed desire to make positive changes.

Recently, I was informed of a time when I had been deliberately overlooked in participation of certain activities. Others were invited and expected to participate, however it seems I was left out on purpose. The person who chose to not include me in the activities is now deceased, therefore, I have no way of finding out if it was indeed an oversight on her part. So what do I now do with this information and this feeling of being rejected by someone I cared about?

When I was in the fifth grade, my teacher taught us the Serenity Prayer. Her husband was an alcoholic and she was attending AA meetings where she'd learned the prayer. She informed her students of what was going on with her because she wanted us to be informed and she wanted to be honest about why some days were harder for her than others. That prayer has become a part of me over the years so when I learned of this past oversight, I simply remembered that this situation is one that I cannot change. Therefore, I walked in the wisdom that when the person was alive, I believed that she cared about me and any oversight that I found out about years later will not change my belief. 

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