Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Ride of My Life 3

Part 3: Body - Self vs Self

This time last year, I was waging war with my Doctor who wanted me to lose weight. I wanted to lose weight too, but not the way he prescribed: with the aid of pills. I don’t do pills and to have to remember to take them every day was the second reason I didn’t want to take any. I trusted his abilities as a doctor so I agreed to work with him to see if this way would yield the desired results. 

Six months in, I’d lost five pounds. During that time, I put a daily reminder on my phone so that I wouldn’t forget to take the pills each day. I included some exercises that I was able to follow for about three months. I was excited at my follow up appointment when the Doctor was happy with the weight I’d lost; five pounds down, fifteen more to go. Then something happened. I had no desire to do the exercises anymore. I started craving and eating pizza, fried chicken and anything else I felt I’d deprived myself of during those three months. 

Now what? I still had to lose the other fifteen pounds in order to be taken off the pills when I went to my next appointment in six months. I prayed. Then I looked at the paperwork you receive at the end of a doctors visit. I googled the terms listed and the one that stuck out was insulin resistant. I found a video on YouTube where this doctor explained what to do if you were diagnosed with insulin resistance. His recommendation was Keto along with Intermittent fasting. I knew Keto wasn’t for me but I’m acquainted with fasting. So I implemented intermittent fasting along with taking the pills. 

I still have a few weeks before my appointment but I can tell you that when I compare my body today with my body from last year, I am pleased with the results. Even one of my coworkers has commented on the change in my body. I haven’t weighed myself because I don’t want this to be about numbers. I wanted a lifestyle change. I knew the pills were not what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. But the intermittent fasting is something that seamlessly transitioned into my everyday habits. Each day I’m making progress for a healthier body and Enjoying the Journey every step of the way. 

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