Recently it has become very clear that in order for me to continue to grow (both spiritually and emotionally) I must really and truly live in My Truth. That means that I’m honest with myself about what I want out of life and how I plan to go after the things I want in life; no matter what others say or do to try to contradict or stop me. And the best way to achieve my desired goals is to believe God: take Him at His Word.
There was a situation recently that faced a group of us. Me being the one to look for the positive in the situation, I thought I’d rallied the group into believing the same game plan and we were all on the same page. I later found out that not everyone was on board. One person started out working the plan and when the second persons time came to take action, they backed off. I knew in my spirit that that right there is what causes many desires, plans and needs to go unfulfilled: failure to act out on what is heard.
I then completed my part of the game plan and thought everything worked out fine. Others in the group seemed excited about completing their parts as well and started the process feeling confident in what needed to be done. The person that chose not to follow the group plan is quiet now. Before, they were trying to get me to see how what I shared at the beginning was not a valid option for them and how it was not going to work. My response to the excuses that were given was “but you didn’t even try!” Not trying is NOT an option. Especially if you’re believing God: He never fails.
Now the project is over and the members of the group that followed the plan are pleased with the results. The person that chose not to follow the game plan but found an alternate plan said they were pleased as well. I know you’re thinking so why this post then? Because even though the same end results were achieved, how much more rewarding and fulfilling the process and results could have been if we’d all stayed on the same page. How many times has God given a directive but because of the excuses we make, we come up with a plan that causes us to take another route? Sure, we may get to the destination but God’s presence will be in the process and place He directed us to go.
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