Where do I even begin? I wrote that statement for "effect" because I know many of you are wondering "what can she say to me to encourage me for where I am in my life right now?" I know exactly where I want to begin and You are exactly who I want to talk to. I want to Encourage you in your Stewardship. That's right, that thing God has given you to help advance the kingdom and you're thinking that you own it and have to make it grow and become all that God wants it to be.
Don't laugh, deep down and on some level you feel (or have felt) that way too. I surely felt that way about this Blog. Until the day God reminded me that I'm just a steward of this Blog. The gift of writing God gave to me allows me to be able to post and hopefully minister to you, but He is the rightful owner. I was racking my brain wondering why no one was submitting their Guest Writer post to Encourage you even though they'd committed to do so. I even went so far as to "suggest" what they should write about when someone told me that they could not or would not do it. How bad had I gotten? I saw this segment changing lives, softening hearts and gaining ground for the kingdom and no one wanted to help me. But that was the problem and it wasn't mine to fix: they wouldn't only be helping me, they'd be helping God.
When God reminded me I was a steward and that the people who wrote a Guest post would be partnering with Him and thereby ultimately be agreeable to submitting a post, it changed my whole outlook. I made a conscious decision to stop badgering people and allow God to speak to them to partner with me on this Journey. The first person I asked after getting this revelation was so excited about being able to submit a post. My jaw just dropped at how awesome God really is and how faithful He is to His word. So you Christian, don't forget that you are a steward and God is the rightful owner of that gift, talent and ability He has given you. You do your part and know that God has done His part and it will all work out in the end for your good and His glory.