Saturday, June 27, 2015

A New Beginning

In life, you will experience many new beginnings. Sometimes you may have to start over due to no fault of your own; such as a job downsizing. Other times, you may have planned a brand new start for your life; such as returning to school in order to change your career path. In either case, it's how well you are prepared for the new beginning that will determine your outlook on life.

You may be wondering, how can I prepare for my job being downsized? It's all in your perspective on how you see this reduction in force affecting your life. If you think it's the end of your livelihood then it probably will be. If you see it as an opportunity to begin anew and try something different, then the many new career options that are available to you will put you in a position where you have choices of the path you will take. 

Now that you have seen how your perspective can affect your outlook about a job being downed sized, you will be able to apply that same principle to other areas of your life. Are you missing out on the many new beginnings in your life because your perspective has been off? If so, I'd like to encourage you by saying that when I stopped seeing the negative things (I've gone through 3 job downsizings in four years time) that have happened to me as stumbling blocks (the end of my hopes and dreams) but stepping stones (additional time to prepare for my dreams to come true), my whole outlook on life has been changed. 

Never let your situation 
Tell you who you are
God has a better plan
Where you'll outshine the brightest star
Now's the time to keep your head up
And trust Him with your heart
Cause often what looks like the end
Is always a brand new start


  1. My question is how can I prepare for a life on disability at the age 29. Been on it since the age 19. I never got use to this lifestyle and often feel as if my life was taken from me. So how do I prepare myself for my so called life?

  2. That's the are living your so called Life. It may not be the one you invisioned but it's the one you got. My life didn't begin when I started this blog - I was living it and the things that happened enabled me to have the content for the blog. Same thing with your life -your content may be meant for others with disabilities. So don't think you're not living - YOU ARE! Just being able to share your love story with my nephew to others with disabilities may be what they need to bring hope back into their lives that they can find and keep love - even when the odds are stacked against them. Don't regret the lifestyle you thought you should have had, embrace the life you do have and share your Journey with others
