I almost gave up. Why? Because my mind and emotions got in the way of my believing God to provide for me in every area of my life. I know God is leading me on this Journey to Debt Freedom but what about His provision for me after I reach my goal to become debt free? Recently I was faced with a situation that catapulted my mindset back to right before God first directed me to this Debt Free Journey and I found myself believing that I would not be able to overcome debt in my life.
The situation began simply and was easily something that “I” could handle with my eyes closed. But it grew into something that required the assistance of others and that’s when it went downhill for me. I’ll be the first person to admit that I’m a perfectionist. So allowing others into my space, especially if I need their help, is hard for me because even though I need the help, I wanted it to appear that I have it all together.
The situation began simply and was easily something that “I” could handle with my eyes closed. But it grew into something that required the assistance of others and that’s when it went downhill for me. I’ll be the first person to admit that I’m a perfectionist. So allowing others into my space, especially if I need their help, is hard for me because even though I need the help, I wanted it to appear that I have it all together.
Before I knew it, I was experiencing symptoms in my body that told me something wasn’t right. I became anxious, irritated and even started to get fearful of certain situations. By the time the migraine headaches tried to start, I knew I was too focused on Me and decided to act on the Word I knew and refocused on being a blessing to someone else. Once I took the focus off me, that’s when I started to see the way God was leading me much clearer. That’s when those around me who I allow to speak into my life: Mentor, Family and Friends started relating to me those things God directed them to share with me.
Now today I’m at a place where my mind, my will and my emotions are all tuned in to God. He spoke these words to me: Make Room. This is the revelation I got from this Rhema word- Make Room. I had become too used to working with not enough and too little. If it was too little, I made do with what I had. If it was not enough then I went without. I needed to Make Room because God is not limited by my lack, I am. He wants me to receive so much more from Him than I'm allowing. So I purposed in my heart to Upgrade my receiving capacity and Make Room for Too Much! Not only is Debt Freedom an option for me, it’s the ONLY option.