I’ve come to realize that Life and Work each impact the other in profound ways. When one is out of balance it will truly impact the other. While on the verge of getting my Life in order, I found Work that I thought would compliment my Life. However, I soon saw Work totally disrupt my Life.
While adjusting to being the new person on the job and not having a full working knowledge of the levels in the chain of command, I soon found myself on the outside looking in; even in the department that I was hired to be a part of. I ran into the “that’s the way it’s always been” syndrome and no one seemed willing to help me understand or even willing to challenge the system. This left me feeling as if I had to fend for myself: so I did.
But having a Life outside of Work enabled me to stand my ground and stick up for myself even when it looked like I’d always walk alone. I knew the opposition I faced at Work was targeted at me as a result of past hurts and wounds held in place by Institutional prejudice. No one wanted to talk about it; therefore you were expected to act as if it didn’t exist. I was determined to have a Work - Life balance that was both fulfilling and rewarding.
When I found myself facing health issues as a direct result of the added stresses and pressures of Work along with the things going on in my Life, I sought the help that I needed: Prayer, Medical and Counseling. When I was able to balance the turmoil that was going on inside of me, I felt strong enough to handle the opposition that came at me. As a result, I’m now in an environment that is fulfilling - not because anyone else changed but because I did. Sure, there are still some who choose to hold on to the way things used to be but whether or not they change will not keep me from being, doing and having better in my Life at Work.