Saturday, August 25, 2018

Galatians 6:9

Oh how I hated this verse of scripture. I didn’t want to read it and I definitely didn’t want to hear it. I remember so clearly when I started to consistently hear it and the turmoil I felt on the inside because 1: I was fairly new at living a Christian lifestyle and 2: Surely it would look bad if I didn’t like all of God’s Word. Joyce Meyer made it her personal business to quote the scripture every time I watched her on TBN.  Since I liked her ministry, I would grin and bear it all the while thinking to myself “yeah Joyce, that one doesn’t work.”

You may be wondering why would I hate a particular verse of scripture. And especially one that promises a great return on my investment. The thing is, my walk into a Christian lifestyle came at the cost of leaving the only lifestyle I’d ever known: dysfunction. This verse promises that I’d reap a harvest at some point called due season. Well, I was at my limit of holding out hope that I’d ever have a due season. No matter how much I tried to keep the peace within my family because of their arguments amongst each other, I would still be overlooked, left out and even not considered when they came together as a family unit. 

The weight of the change they would have to make seemed greater than the promise held in that scripture. I was constantly looking at how much they weren’t changing but I never fully realized that in fact it was me that was being changed. I started writing this post months ago because I sensed that there was a “due season” happening in my family. I put it on the waitlist because even then though I had a level of expectation, I couldn’t seem to find the words. 

It’s now the day after I’ve witnessed the dynamics changing from a nineteen year “rift” in my family to what looks to be the beginning stages of restoration. Only God can take what seemed like an impossibility in my family life and bring all the broken, complicated and bruised pieces back together to create a thriving, functioning unit. There truly is a due season if you do not give up. 

Galatians 6:9 NIV Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. 

Monday, August 6, 2018

Calling ALL Partners

POE Update ...As I neared the launch date for Paths of Encouragement, I had a vision that the response would be overwhelming.   That by now I would be utilizing the help of my friends to navigate through all the email submissions that would come pouring in. The closer the launch date got the more it appeared POE would not make it past the few submissions that I’d already gotten. 

Instead of looking at the circumstances, I went to God on behalf of this new segment of My Journey My Story and He spoke to me. He told me that those who partnered with Him would be willing to submit a post. I’m grateful to the people who heard the call and submitted a post for Paths of Encouragement. However, I’ve experienced from talking with some that not everyone has come into their own as a writer but would be willing to partner financially. 

It pleases me to announce that you may now give to Paths of Encouragement financially through PayPal at The benefits of me partnering with God in order to Encourage His people has now opened up an avenue for You to partner in more than one way. I look forward to not only receiving your blog submissions but your financial support as well.